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Traditionally Suzume relies on unparalleled speed to gain a position of advantage. However, when faced with a formidable foe, they can sometimes struggle. Oshibe is a Bushi that helps her fellow sparrows face down fearsome enemies. Her combat training has also enabled her to match the best the mortals offer, as long as she fights with a friend.

Fear is a problem for the fast Suzume Tengu; mostly, they have a Ki stat of 1. Gaining Steadfast means your Tengu will be reliable enough to drain those activations from enemies as needed. Oshibe also enjoys the sparrow's legendary manoeuvrability with her Dart Ki Feat, which is more than enough to keep enemies confounded, even though it is limited to once per game. Oshibe is an ideal addition to the Descension Starter Box and fits into the Blue Gale Scouting Party theme as a more combat focussed model.

Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.


SKU: 614324559948
Only 3 left in stock
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